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张倍瑜 (Beiyu Zhang),暨南大学国际关系学院/华侨华人研究院,副教授;




出版英文著作一本 Chinese Theatre Troupes in Southeast Asia: Touring Diaspora, 1900s-1970s




-Chinese Theatre Troupes in Southeast Asia: Touring Diaspora, 1900s-1970s, Routledge, 2021. 

-“Travelling with Chinese Theatre-Troupes: A ‘Performative Turn’ in Sino-Southeast Asian Interactions”, Asian Theatre Journal 38:1 (2021). 

-“Merdeka, Youth Solidarity and Cross-Ethnicity: Emergence of Multicultural Dance in Singapore, 1955-1980s.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies vol. 23, 4 (December, 2022).

-“Cantonese Opera Troupes on Sino-Southeast Asian Corridor: Nationalism, Movement and Operatic Circulations, 1900s-1930s.” Asian Ethnology vol. 81, 1&2, (June, 2022). 

-“Staging Singapore Chinese Student Movement in the Cold War: Performing Chineseness and Embodying the Malayan Nation 1950s-1960s.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies  vol. 53, no. 4 (2022).

-“Performing ‘Bifurcated Homelands’: Touring Chinese Diaspora in Bangkok and Singapore, 1945–1960s.” China Perspectives, vol.132 (2023). 

-“Chinese Street Opera in Singapore: Heritage or A Vanishing Trade” in Citizens, Civil Society and Heritage-Making in Asia, eds. Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, Hui Yew-Foong and Phillippe Peycam. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing, 2017.


-《后殖民时期新加坡的社会运动和本地潮剧改革》,《民族艺术》,2020年第1期。(CSSCI). 2020年人大复印资料全文转载。


-《新加坡客家山歌:一个客家文化符号的在地化与全球化》《跨域研究客家文化》黄贤强、何炳彪编,新加坡:八方文化, 2015。

-《唐人街:镀金的贫民窟,民族城邦,以及全球文化流散地》, 王保华,陈志明编,张倍瑜(译),上海:华东师范大学出版社, 2019年。