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作者: 时间:2018-11-19 点击:190

演讲题目/Topic:  Indonesia-China Relations: from Soekarno to Jokowi

演讲嘉宾/SpeakerAgus Haryanto  

主持人/Chair:庄礼伟 教授/所长

时间/Time: 20181120日(周二)下午1500


嘉宾简介/Guest Introduction

Dr. Agus Haryanto is Director of Soedirman Center for Global Studies (Laboratory of International Relations, Jenderal Soedirman University. He is also  Secretary General at Association of International Relations Sciences in Indonesia now. He has published three books and more than ten journal articles.


Indonesia - China has a special relationship for various reasons such as historical, cultural and economic factors. Since President Soekarno, China has had diplomatic relations with Indonesia. China also became one of the participants of the Asia Africa Conference. However, the relationship between Indonesia and China did not run smoothly in the era of Suharto's leadership. China is considered to be one of the countries that supported the General kidnapping movement in the September 30 PKI Movement (G30S PKI). Then, since the Reformation era, Indonesia - China relations improved. This lecture will give an idea of how the ups and downs in relations between Indonesia and China.