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作者: 时间:2018-11-14 点击:182

演讲题目/Topic: Africa-China Relation: Beyond Economic Exploitation, Political Subordination, and Cultural Domination

演讲嘉宾/SpeakerDr. Abye Assefa

主持人/Chair: Dr. Li Wannan, Department Dean & Associate Professor

时间/Time: Thursday, 22 November 2018 / 2-3:40pm

地点/Venue:Panyu Campus, N301


嘉宾简介/Guest IntroductionDr. Abye Assefa is Associate Professor of Sociology at St. Lawrence University in New York. His research focuses on political economy of Africa, nomadism and pre-modern relations, and world-systems analysis. Professor Assefa was the Chair of his department between 2015 and 2016 and Director of his university’s Abroad Program in France from 2014-2017. He received his PhD in Historical Sociology at the State University of New York Binghamton.



The Africa-China relation indicates neither an unfamiliar future nor a well-established past, as the growing body of literature suggests. Professor Assefa argues that in the framing of this relation, the future/past categorical disjunction, which is nothing but the perpetuation of the status quo, cleverly sidesteps the important question of the relation. When China and Africa are disjointed and reduced to autonomous planets, their relation is effectively exteriorized from them and entrusted to the West. In this lecture, he invites the audience to explore with him the historical dynamics that transpire in Africa-China relation.