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吴金平,政治学二级教授,博士生导师,暨南大学美国研究中心主任;南开大学美国政治史1997年博士毕业,2007年晋升教授,2005年纽约大学富布赖特(Fulbright)高级访问学者;主要研究领域为美国内政与外交、国际移民与华侨华人、亚太政治等;已发表本专业领域论文60多篇,出版专著4本和译著3本,代表作为Frederick Douglass and The Black Liberation MovementNew York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 2000,该书出版开创了国内培养的美国史博士在美国出版博士论文之先河)和《全球化下的侨民战略与发展研究——以美国、爱尔兰和印度为例》(暨南大学出版社,2019年);主持并完成国家社科重大攻关项目子课题和一般项目各1项,教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目1项,广东省社科基金2项,国务院侨办项目2项;开设有《当代国际问题专题研究》(博士生)、《国际关系理论》(硕士生)、《国际移民研究》(硕士生)、《当代美国》(本科)、《国际关系原著选读》(本科)等课程。参与讲授的本科生课程《中国传统文化概论》获得2006年国家精品课程、2013年教育部来华留学生全英教学品牌课程



WU Jinping is Professor of Political Science. He got his Doctorate in American Political History from Nankai University in 1997, and visited New York University in 2005 as a Senior Fulbright Visiting Scholar. His research focuses on American politics and foreign policy, international immigration, and Chinese diaspora. His representative work is Frederick Douglass and the Black Liberation Movement: The North Star of American Blacks (Garland Publishing 2000); it is the first time for a scholar who received his PhD in the field of American history from a Chinese university to publish his doctoral dissertation in the United States. He has conducted seven research projects that were awarded funding from government departments at the provincial or ministerial level in China, including the Guangdong Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science and National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science. He offers courses in Special Studies on Contemporary International (PhD Students), Theory of International Relations (Masters), International Immigration Studies (Master's), Contemporary America (undergraduate), and Selected Studies of Original International Relations (undergraduate), etc.. The undergraduate course Introduction to Chinese Traditional Culture won the National Excellent Course in 2006 and was awarded the 2013 All-English Teaching Brand Course for Overseas Students who come to China by the Ministry of Education.
